星期四, 05 04月 2018 03:26

Sumitomo Steel Wire's - Oil Tempered Wire for Engine Valve Spring

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The production process of oil tempered wire consists of drawing, heating to above autenitizing temperature and quenching into oil or equivalent quenchant, so that fine tempered martensite having high fatigue strength and enough ductility is obtained.
Our oil tempered is using super clean steel to minimize the risk due to non metallic inclusion. Since the state of the art technologies and well established quality management system are applied, our oil tempered wire shows outstanding performance and has good reputations among global customers.


Since 0il tempered wire is susceptible to hydrogen brittleness and delayed fracture, please observe the following instructions.

  1. Tempering shall be applied immediately after coiling.
  2. Pickling nor plating shall not be applied.
  3. The wire shall not be used under corrosive environment.
Chemical Compositions
Wire GradeDiameter
Chemical Compositions
SWOSC-V 0.8-8.0 0.51-0.59 1.20-1.60 0.50-0.80 -0.025 -0.025 0.50-0.80
SWOSC-VH 2.0-6.5 0.63-0.68 1.30-1.60 0.60-0.80 -0.025 -0.025 0.50-0.80
SWOSC-VHV 2.0-6.5 0.63-0.68 1.20-1.60 0.50-0.80 -0.025 -0.025 0.50-0.80 0.10-0.20
SWOSC-VHS 2.0-6.5 0.63-0.68 1.80-2.20 0.70-0.90 -0.025 -0.025 0.50-0.80 0.05-0.15 -
SWOSC-VHR 2.0-5.0 0.63-0.68 2.10-2.30 0.50-0.70 -0.025 -0.025 1.10-1.30 0.10-0.20 0.10-0.30

Mechanical Properties

Nominal Dia
Tensile Strength
2.0 1910-2060 2110-2210 2110-2210 2160-2260 2210-2310 ±0.02 0.02
3.0 1860-2010 2060-2160 2060-2160 2110-2210 2160-2260 ±0.02 0.02
4.0 1810-1960 2010-2110 2010-2110 2060-2160 2110-2210 ±0.03 0.03
5.0 1760-1910 1960-2060 1960-2060 2010-2110 2060-2160 ±0.03 0.03

Double Eddy Current Test

For 2.1~6.0mm in diameter, double eddy current tests, i.e. stationary and rotating types, are applicable.

Wire Diameter(mm)Coil Size(mm)Coil Weight(kg)
Inner DiameterOuter DiameterLapped CoilCoil with Carrier
0.8-1.2 300 580 50 100
1.3-1.9 650 1100 100/200 400
2.0-2.9 650 1100 100/200 400
1000 1500 200/400 800
3.0-5.5 1000 1500 200/400 800
5.6-8.0 1300 1500 200/400 800
Technical Note

(1)Manufacturing Process

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(2)Fatigue Strength

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(3)Microscopic Test of Non-Metallic Inclusions (Max.T Method)

The samples are taken in wire rod state and those longitudinal sections are polished. For each sample, both the top and bottom surface zones that are from the surface to 2mm inside and having 15mm length shall be inspected (i.e. 60mm² area, see fig.1). For each heat, 10 samples shall be inspected and maximum thickness of observed non- metallic inclusions (see fig.2) shall not be 15μm or larger.

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查看 29251 最后修改日期 星期四, 05 04月 2018 11:36