Blue Star

Blue Star

星期五, 05 11月 2021 07:56


室内定位领域近年来发展迅速,现有的定位技术大体上分为基于TOF(Time of Flight,飞行时间)测距定位方案和基于TDOA(Time Difference of Arrival,到达时间差)定位方案。但这两种技术方案在实现二维平面定位时面临着同样问题:若要获得平面内的目标位置,至少需要三台以上的定位基站有较理想的LOS(Line Of Sight, 可视路径)路径,否则就会存在定位盲区。这一限制使得室内定位的基站部署数量和成本高居不下。
星期日, 24 10月 2021 14:28

历代咏物诗选 俞琰.清

星期三, 13 10月 2021 08:29

ISO 15765-2协议-寻址方式


1.Normal addressing

2.Extended addressing

3.Mixed addressing


星期六, 09 10月 2021 21:26

CAN Network layer from ISO 15765-4

Network layer
7 Network Iayer interface
8.Standardized diagnostic CAN identifiers
Addressing formats 

The exchange of network layer data is supported by three addressing formats: normal, extended and mixed addressing. Each addressing format requires a different number of CAN frame data bytes to encapsulate the addressing information associated with the data to be exchanged. Consequently, the number of data bytes transported within a single CAN frame depends on the type of addressing format chosen.

The following (7.3.2 to 7.3.5) specifies the mapping mechanisms for each addressing format, based on the data link layer services and service parameters defined in ISO 11898-1.

星期六, 09 10月 2021 10:47

ISO 15765-2

Road vehicles — Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) —

Part 2:Network layer services : ISO 15765-2:2004(E)
