Sunday, 01 August 2021 22:22

面向接入设备的恩智浦Wi-Fi 6E三频段芯片组释放6GHz频谱的潜能

  • 恩智浦宣布推出首款支持6GHz频段的Wi-Fi 6E三频段片上系统(SoC),该频段将Wi-Fi可用频谱最高扩展1.2GHz
  • CW64专为接入点和服务提供商网关而设计,助力终端网络设备充分利用6GHz频谱
  • 恩智浦满足了客户对于更大无线网络容量的需求,能够以4.8Gbps的PHY速率和超过4Gbps的实际吞吐量,支持160-MHz的通道带宽
  • NXP announces its first Wi-Fi 6E Tri-Band system-on-chip (SoC) to support the 6GHz band that expands spectrum available for Wi-Fi by up to 1.2GHz.
  • The CW641 is designed for access points and service provider gateways to enable end network devices to take full advantage of the 6GHz spectrum.
  • NXP answers customer demands for greater capacity in wireless networking and supports 160-MHz channel bandwidth with PHY rates of 4.8Gbps and over 4Gbps of real-world throughput.

恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors N.V.,纳斯达克代码:NXPI)今天宣布推出全新的CW641 Wi-Fi 6E三频段片上系统(SoC),为可在6GHz频段运行的新一代Wi-Fi 6设备奠定基础。鉴于传统2.4GHz和5GHz频段的拥堵程度不断加剧,美国FCC以及世界其他地区批准了用于6GHz频段的1.2GHz未授权频谱,这将为Wi-Fi格局带来巨大转变。恩智浦推出了一款全新的Wi-Fi 6E设备,旨在充分利用这一6GHz频段,并通过提高吞吐量、容量、可靠性和降低延迟来扩展Wi-Fi容量。

CW641专为接入点和服务提供商网关而设计,可在全新的6GHz频段提供超过4Gbps的速度和多用户性能,提高容量和降低延迟,从而显著改善Wi-Fi用户体验。通过在网关平台上添加6GHz功能,服务提供商可以选择以高效的方式跨设备划分可用带宽,以确保为各类应用提供最佳用户体验。任务关键型的高带宽、低延迟应用(例如网格回传和云游戏)非常适合迁移到6GHz,从而将5GHz和2.4 GHz频段释放给其他低带宽应用。

恩智浦全新的Wi-Fi 6E三频段SoC有助于充分利用革命性的6GHz频谱来提高许多用例中的性能,例如家庭网状网络、高分辨率音乐和视频流传输、在线游戏、视频通话、数字下载、大数据量Web内容等等。除了接入点应用外,CW641 SoC还为消费者、汽车、工业和物联网(IoT)领域中的高性能Wi-Fi 6E应用奠定了基础。


  • 具有4条空间流的4x4 Wi-Fi设备
  • 支持6GHz、5GHz和2.4GHz操作
  • 160/80/40/20MHz通道带宽
  • 4.8Gbps的峰值PHY速率
  • 上行和下行OFDMA
  • 上行和下行MU-MIMO

恩智浦无线连接解决方案营销主管Larry Olivas指出:“恩智浦Wi-Fi 6E芯片组兼具多GB数据速率、低延迟和更高的多用户性能,可达成客户对于6GHz产品的期望。当今的无线网络应用需要更大的容量,而这些产品可以满足长达十年的需求。作为我们首款支持6GHz频谱的Wi-Fi 6E SoC,CW641可以为多设备、数据密集型应用中的路由器和网关提供拥堵程度更低的波段,进而增强整体Wi-Fi体验。我们的全新芯片组有助于利用这一远离拥堵的全新带宽,为Wi-Fi 6E网络上的设备提高性能并减少干扰。”

ABI Research首席分析师Andrew Zignani表示:“近期未授权的6GHz频谱逐渐可用于Wi-Fi,这给Wi-Fi格局带来了最为激动人心的革命性变化,使得吞吐量、容量、可靠性和服务质量都有了大幅提升。所有这些不仅有助于实现新的无线服务,还能解决该技术当前面临的关键挑战。但是,为了实现这一潜力,Wi-Fi行业需要通过全新的Wi-Fi 6E芯片组来有效地满足市场的各种需求。在支持6GHz基础设施部署方面,恩智浦最新的CW641 Wi-Fi 6E芯片组等解决方案将发挥基础性作用,助力包含终端设备、应用和服务在内的多样性生态系统利用这一巨大的Wi-Fi新机遇。”


CW641 Wi-Fi 6E三频段SoC现在提供样品。

CES 2021短片:Wi-Fi 6如何推动下一波无线创新

ABI Research和恩智浦最新发表的研究论文《Wi-Fi 6如何推动下一波无线创新》阐明了Wi-Fi 6和Wi-Fi 6E将在各个垂直市场中带来的优势,并针对Wi-Fi 6的市场机遇、挑战、建议和预测提供了见解。作为一个主要亮点,这篇论文还详细介绍了新兴芯片组如何应对这些市场的未来挑战以及不断发展的需求,并为创新部署和案例研究提供了论据支持。

此外,作为NXP Live 2021体验的一部分,恩智浦举办了一场特别的视频炉边对话,邀请ABI Research讨论无线网络技术的最新发展,探索恩智浦最新委托开展的Wi-Fi 6研究中指明的挑战与机遇、新市场应用、趋势和预测。这次炉边对话的嘉宾包括:

  • 恩智浦半导体执行副总裁兼连接和安全总经理Rafael Sotomayor
  • ABI Research首席分析师Andrew Zignani

NXP Semiconductors announced it is laying the foundation for a new era of Wi-Fi 6 devices that can operate in the 6GHz band with its new CW641 Wi-Fi 6E Tri-Band system-on-chip (SoC). With increasing congestion in the legacy 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, the US FCC has approved 1.2GHz of unlicensed spectrum for the 6GHz band along with other regions around the world, which will transform the Wi-Fi landscape. NXP is introducing a Wi-Fi 6E device that will make use of this 6GHz band and extend Wi-Fi capacity by bringing higher throughput, increased capacity, reliability, and improved latency.

Designed for access points and service provider gateways, the CW641 unlocks increased speeds of over 4Gbps and multi-user performance in the new 6GHz band, providing greater capacity and lower latency, which dramatically improves the Wi-Fi user experience. Adding 6GHz capabilities to gateway platforms gives service providers options to efficiently partition available bandwidth across devices to ensure optimum user experience for a wide range of applications. Mission critical, high bandwidth, low latency applications like mesh back haul and cloud gaming are ideal for migration to 6GHz, freeing up the 5GHz and 2.4GHz bands for other lower bandwidth applications.

NXP's new Wi-Fi 6E Tri-Band SoC makes it possible to take full advantage of the transformative 6GHz spectrum to boost the performance of in-home mesh networks, streaming high-resolution music and videos, online gaming, video calling, digital downloads, data-heavy web content, and numerous other use cases. Beyond access point applications, the CW641 SoC sets the stage for high performance Wi-Fi 6E applications across consumer, automotive, industrial, and Internet of Things (IoT).

Key features of CW641 include:

  • 4x4 Wi-Fi device with 4-spatial streams.
  • Supports 6GHz, 5GHz and 2.4GHz operation.
  • 160/80/40/20MHz channel bandwidth.
  • Peak PHY rate of 4.8Gbps.
  • Uplink and downlink OFDMA.
  • Uplink and downlink MU-MIMO.

"NXP's Wi-Fi 6E chipset combines multi-gigabyte data rates, low latency, and higher multi-user performance to deliver on customer demands for 6GHz products that address the decade-long need for the greater capacity required in today's wireless networking applications," said Larry Olivas, Head of Marketing for NXP's Wireless Connectivity Solutions. "As our first Wi-Fi 6E SoC to support the 6GHz spectrum, the CW641 enhances the overall Wi-Fi experience by making less congested airwaves available to routers and gateways for multi-device, data-intensive applications. Our new chipset makes it possible to take advantage of this new uncongested bandwidth, which will provide increased performance with less interference for devices on the Wi-Fi 6E network."

"The increased availability of unlicensed 6GHz spectrum for Wi-Fi is the most exciting and transformative change to the Wi-Fi landscape in recent times, bringing about much higher throughput, greater capacity, increased reliability, and improved quality of service, all of which will help enable new wireless services while addressing key challenges currently facing the technology," saidAndrewZignani, Principal Analyst at ABI Research. "However, in order to realize this potential, the Wi-Fi industry requires new Wi-Fi 6E chipsets that can effectively address the varied demands of the market. Solutions such as NXP's latest CW641 Wi-Fi 6E chipset will play a fundamental role in enabling the 6GHz infrastructure rollout, allowing a varied ecosystem of end devices, applications and services to take advantage of this enormous new opportunity for Wi-Fi."

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