Tuesday, 10 November 2020 17:27

cypress ModusToolbox® Software Environment Featured

The BT SDK contains everything you need to build applications for the following dual mode (BR + EDR + BLE) Bluetooth 5.0 core spec compliant solutions: CYW20706, CYW20719B2, CYW20721B2, CYW20735B1, CYW20819, CYW20820, and CYW89820. The SDK, along with the ModusToolbox IDE and configurator tools, form a powerful but easy to use toolset that helps you create amazing Bluetooth-enabled IoT solutions like beacons, trackers, smart watches, audio devices (headsets, speakers), hid devices (remotes, mice, keyboard), medical devices, and home automation platforms. 

Modus Product Page Banner 620x200 v4

The SDK includes the following:

  • Bluetooth firmware
  • Platform and board support packages
  • Utilities including BTSpy trace, Manufacturing Bluetooth test tool, Client Control, and Mesh Client control
  • Peer apps for OTA and Mesh
  • A rich set of WICED™ connectivity APIs that allow for simplified programming of BT/BLE connectivity
  • Various sample applications that serve as examples of how to utilize the BT/BLE APIs
  • More complex code examples that utilize various APIs and middleware to create a more complete solution

Bluetooth Documentation

BT SDK Documentation for the WICED Bluetooth devices are available on the Cypress semiconductor github: https://cypresssemiconductorco.github.io/btsdk-docs/BT-SDK/index.html

For additional information and support please visit the BT SDK page in the Cypress Developer Community.

ModusToolbox Software Environment

ModusToolbox is a set of multi-platform development tools and a comprehensive suite of GitHub-hosted firmware libraries. Together, they enable an immersive development experience for customers creating converged MCU and Wireless systems.

The firmware libraries comprise easily customizable Board Support Packages (BSP) for Infineon MCUs and Bluetooth SoC (20xxx) kits, a comprehensive set of middleware libraries - enabling industry-leading features such as CapSense®, Bluetooth Low Energy and Mesh, and the lowest-power, most reliable Wi-Fi on the market - plus an impressive set of thoroughly tested and amazingly helpful code example applications.

IOT Solutions

ModusToolbox is rapidly establishing itself as the most adaptable development system for IoT and includes carefully packaged solutions to support the popular ecosystems and cloud management tools in use today.

  • Arm Pelion Cloud Management and Mbed OS
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT and FreeRTOS SDK
  • Infineon AnyCloud IoT

Openness and Simplicity

Almost all firmware is provided as Apache® 2.0-licensed source code and is exhaustively tested with GNU Arm Embedded v9, Arm Compiler 6, and IAR C/C++ Compiler v8. Our make-based flow is easy to understand and supports command-line builds as well as IDE-based development with Microsoft Visual Studio Code, IAR Embedded Workbench, Arm MDK, and an Eclipse-based IDE with specialized ModusToolbox plugins. Our device and middleware configuration tools generate simple C code that just gets compiled into your application without error-prone format conversion or mysterious merge utilities.

World-Class Software and Ecosystem Partners

Modern embedded applications are more complicated than ever, and we recognize that world-class software for much of the functionality you need is already available. Why reinvent it? We aggressively target the best third-party software, such as Mbed TLS, TF-M from TrustedFirmware.organd Segger emWin, and integrate it into our ModusToolbox ecosystem to ensure the highest reliability and a painless user experience.

Download ModusToolbox 2.2 for Windows®macOS®, and Linux® now!

For code examples, please visit the ModusToolbox GitHub Repository.

For additional information and support please visit the ModusToolbox page in the Cypress Developer Community.

CYW20819 Application Notes

Read 16761 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 18:10